Monday, March 22, 2010


Welcome to the Race Shirts blog. I started running last year and after a few months I began to run some races. My closet quickly began to fill up with race t-shirts. I thought it might be fun to begin to catalog the shirts in an online archive.

I never choose a race based on the shirt, but I must admit I get a little jealous when I hear that this race or that race has a really nice shirt since I'd have to classify my shirts anywhere from "so-so" to "absolutely unwearable".

It's understandable since most of these races are for charity and I'd rather not have the organizers waste a bunch of money on a t-shirt design when the money could be going to a better cause. It would be nice if they were something I would actually like to wear, though.

I want to see your shirts, too. Send your shirt picture to and I'll put them on the site.

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